Sunny Hills
Community Church
(Presbyterian, USA)
We even cleaned the inside...with a smile, too!
Friends of Sunny Hills Youth Group await their turn, while enjoying the fellowship of friends, neighbors and visitors.
Visitors from as far away as Texas enjoyed the fun and the fellowship, as well as a sparkling clean truck!
Everyone was welcome (to lend a hand).
No car was too small.  No truck was too big.  We cleaned them all.
Putting a clean shine on a 1978 American muscle car!
Washing a member's car with a song.
Some of our kids, and some of our kids at heart.
Sunny Hills Youth Group
Photo Gallery
Click image for large size.
SHY Car Wash.  April 10, 2010
Vacation Bible School, 2009
Diamond Lake Triathlon Race  September 25, 2010
Relief station sponsored by Sunny Hills Youth.
Jim, Doris, Zane and Jodie were there to lend their support, and to offer water to those who participated in the triathlon.
Jim, Doris, Zane and Jodie
We cheered the riders and the runners.
Cheering on a runner.
3768 Country Club Blvd. s Sunny Hills, FL 32428 s Tel: (850) 773-3211 s Jack Homoney, Pastor
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